Hi! I’m Chelsie.
I’m a small town, Midwestern born girl. This started as an after school job in high school, with some of the best and most talented people I know. Eventually I made it out to the East Coast and became part of a military family. I now have four amazing kids and call Hampton Roads home. I wanted a job that brought me joy. Something I could show my kids I had built and nourished. So I took this passion and the constant ask from friends and relatives to make them an arrangement- and I made a business.
I wanted to make something that showcased my form of art, a lasting piece of me that would live on- and with every bouquet I place into a Bride’s hand- every arrangement I send out to a babies birth- some bit of me goes there too.. my version of leaving my mark.
Having this small business means I get to include my loved ones. My oldest two take part in every event in some small way. Be it helping to remove bad petals, to tagging pieces, filling vases—you name it. From this I get to watch their passion for creativity grow. One day I hope I’m delivering something that one of my kids made. Until then I’m just glad they like to watch me work.